
Monday, June 11, 2012

A Birthday

Hi!  I'm back! Man, what a crazy crazy start to summer it's been around here.  We've had guest after guest from all corners of the country, the end of the school year, internships, projects, swimming lessons, summer reading, 5ks,  etc, etc, etc.  But, I am attempting to get back to my blog, as hard as it is to be inside on the computer when it's sunny out :)

The biggest event of the past few weeks was my daughter's 4th birthday party.  Her special day fell on Memorial Day this year, so we had a combo party and bbq.  It was a lot of fun!  We set up the badminton net, had good eats and brews and even some yummy girly drinks courtesy of my friend Tara!  Thanks Tara!  And Tara, my next post will have that potato salad recipe, just for you!

My beautiful birthday girl!

She got some new wheels!

Here's a pic of Big Sister's "My Little Pony" cake. This was the easiest birthday cake I've created so far and she loved it! It was chocolate strawberry and we just barely had enough for everyone! Phew!

It was so simple to make.  I took a basic chocolate cake recipe, or you could use a cake mix, and cooked it in two round cake pans.  Once they were totally cooled I spread the bottom layer with strawberry jam before adding the top layer.  I like doing this with layered cakes rather than using frosting.  It cuts the sweetness a bit and gives it an extra little something.  Then I frosted with strawberry flavored frosting in a can, which my daughter begged for!  Then I sprinkled the entire cake with pink sugar crystals and decorated with these adorable 3d edible butterflies and flowers that I found at a craft store (Hobby Lobby??)  Then we added her favorite pony, "Rainbow Dash" (favorite because she's a PEGASUS!!!) and finished it off with candles.  I tell you what, making a themed cake this way by sticking a toy on top is soooo much easier than the purple dinosaur and green alligator with babies I made last year for their birthdays:

You can find directions for the crocodile cakes at here.  To make the cupcakes we just frosted them with the same green frosting, cut the apple rings in half and added smaller versions of the marshmallow eyes.
I love making fun cakes for my kids' birthdays.  They are fun, creative, challenging at times, and best part-the kids love them.  I love that something as simple as a birthday cake can be such a labor of love, a real gift from the heart.  Making food that makes people smile and creates memories is why I love to cook!

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